Baby Carrier Comparison

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I knew months before I gave birth that I wanted to babywear, mostly because it seemed like a great way to be able to get stuff done around the house while bonding with baby! I ended up wearing her a LOT. I would wear her at Target, on walks around the neighborhood, I’d even wear her when she was fighting a nap! I’d just have to bounce a little and she would sleep for literally hours. It was glorious. At first I only had one kind of carrier, the wrap style, but it quickly became clear that wasn’t always the best. So, I ended up buying a second kind of cloth carrier, and when she was 2.5 months old my mom bought us an Ergo baby, which is a structured carrier! There’s a few carriers out there that I never ended up trying, like a ring sling, so I can’t speak to ease of use and comfort on those, but I hope this little review helps you decide which type is right for you!

Boba Wrap

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First off, Boba is not the only brand of wrap carrier, it just happens to be the one that I have. I know there’s also the Solly, and I would think they’d be pretty similar but this is just geared toward the Boba since that’s what I was working with.

Firstly, I loved the snugness of the wrap. Once you got the actual wrapping technique down, it was a really comfortable way to babywear. Kelsi always felt really secure, and the weight distribution is great thanks to the wideness of the wrap! I only used it for inward facing wearing, I never tried any other way because she’s a small baby (less than 15lbs the whole time I used the Boba wrap with her). Sometimes, this was the only way I could get her to nap in those first three months, and even a few times between 3 and 6 months I had the put it on for her to get a good snooze!

A wrap is definitely something you need to learn how to use, I practiced tying it a lot the day I got it before I was able to get it tight enough without any help. There’s a few different ways to wear baby in a wrap, but forward facing isn’t one of them. After a month, I bought a different cloth carrier and I exclusively used the Boba at home because whenever I would use it while wearing a shirt, it always pulled my shirt up so my back and belly were showing, which is just because of the way you have to wrap it. So I would recommend a wrap carrier for the house so you don’t have to wear a shirt.

Baby Ktan

The Baby Ktan carrier was really intriguing to me, because its like a wrap but you don’t actually have to wrap and tie it It’s two loops of extremely soft fabric and the tie-on piece to secure baby,  so it’s a lot less to deal with than a wrap, but still provides the comfort of a wrap for you and baby. This is the carrier I kept in my car for when I would go to the grocery store or Target. It doesn’t take nearly as long to put on, and goes over shirts a lot easier. There’s also a LOT of different ways you can wear your baby with the Ktan, including forward facing!

The downside is that it isn’t a one-size-fits-all, so if anyone else wants to babywear (like your spouse or parents), they would either have to be the same size as you or have a different way to wear baby. It also stretches out after multiple uses, so you do have to wash it to shrink it back to being snug. But, that’s a small price to pay for a cloth carrier that, in my opinion, is easier to use and is more versatile than a wrap.

Ergo Baby 360


A structured carrier is a game changer. Justin didn’t babywear until we got the Ergo Baby, and he loves it now! The reason we went with the 360 is because it can be used for children up to 2 years! It’s super easy to adjust to different wearers as well. I love that you can forward face or inward face baby, and if baby falls asleep (they should only sleep while inward facing) it has a neck support you can pop up to keep their head in place! It also has a little cover attached so that if it’s raining you can keep baby’s head dry! The ergo baby is also great for wearing your little one on your back, something you can’t do with a wrap or Baby Ktan.

All in all, having different kinds of carriers has been super convenient. If I had to do it over, I would get the Boba wrap and the Ergo from the start, and possibly skip the Baby Ktan altogether. The Boba is my favorite to wear at home, and is really comfortable to wear for long periods of time, while the Ergo is the easiest to get baby in and out of, as well as the quickest and easiest one to get on in public. I hope this helps you decide which carrier is right for you and your situation, baby wearing has been one of my favorite ways to bond with my girl!

Kelsi Rose | 9 Month Update

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“The days may be long but the months are short”. I don’t know if that’s exactly the saying, but man is it true. I can’t believe Kelsi is closer to being a toddler than a baby now! Time is a thief, but I am also so excited about my girl acting more and more like a little person! She has the most adorable little personality, and is curious about everything around her! We’re definitely going to have to get more baby gates to help contain her, especially because she likes to be right in the middle of the kitchen while we cook dinner! When she’s old enough I’ll put her to work as my little sous chef!



She finally built up the strength to start crawling on her hands and knees, and man is she a speedy little thing now! I can put her down in the living room, get a snack from the kitchen, and by the time I come back she’s made her way to her bedroom! She’s also able to get into sitting position on her own now, which she does all the time to look at the tv or watch me cook dinner. She’s also able to pull up to standing, and has started to cruise along the couch! She’s a mover that’s for sure.


Sleep has taken a hard left turn, we hit the 6 month sleep regression and everything I was doing was no longer good enough. The only way she would end up sleeping was if she was in bed with us, so we’ve started to do that. We do plan on sleep training eventually, but I’m honestly just loving the all night cuddles so it’s not a top priority for me. But, the upside is she’s still on a solid 2-3-4 routine and she gets about 3 hours of day sleep. I do lay down with her for naps as well, but it’s a small sacrifice to make sure we have a well-rested and happy baby.


We still nurse on demand, but we also do 2 meals a day now! I’ve started giving her lunch since she always wants some of mine. I usually make her a little cheese quesadilla and give her some fruit on the side (she loves cherries and blueberries!) or if I’m making mac and cheese for myself, I’ll give her some of that! I definitely need to add a few more lunches to the lineup. For dinner, she still gets a serving of whatever we’re having! Some nights she loves it, some nights she doesn’t. If she doesn’t eat a lot of it, it doesn’t worry me since her main source of nutrition is still breastmilk.


9 months sitting

Things We Love

Doorway Bouncer I got this for her to be near me while I make dinner but also keep her out of my way, and since it’s something she can move in it’s a hit! It took her a few days to figure out how to bounce but once she did she was all smiles!

Lollipop Camera For the rare occasion that I’m able to get her down in her pack n play for a nap, I love being able to watch her and see when she wakes up instead of opening the door to check and risk waking her up. The app also gives you alerts if they’re crying or their environment is too noisy (great for if you have a bigger house!)

Babyletto Glider I got this because I wanted to start nursing Kelsi in it to get her used to being in her own room before we took the plunge into sleep training, and it is SO comfortable! I got the color “Ecru” even though I wanted the pink, it was just sold out when we ordered.

Kelsi Rose | 6 Month Update

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Oh my gosh, a whole half a year with our sweet peanut! This has seriously been the fastest 6 months of my life, I don’t even want to think about how fast 1 year is going to get here. I truly cannot say how lucky I am to have Kelsi, she has made being a mom so much better than I ever could have imagined! Don’t get me wrong, we have our rough days for sure but the good days outweigh the bad by far! Now that we’re six months into this journey, we’ve settled into a nice little routine which I am so happy about, it makes planning a Target run or scheduling a haircut sooo much easier! Covid-19 has definitely put a little bit of a damper on our plans to make mom friends, the playgroup I literally just started going to got shut down for now, and I can’t even have a playdate. Only having direct contact with Justin has been rough on me, but I’m very thankful we all still have our health!


Kelsi has mastered rolling over in both directions now, but she 100% prefers to be on her belly all the time. She’s even started army crawling! I didn’t see her do it for a couple days because she would only move when I took the dog out (sneaky sneaky!) but now she can’t be stopped! She can also sit unassisted, but only if I get her into that position. She hasn’t figured out how to get there herself but I know that’ll come in a few months! She loves sitting and throwing her toys for me to fetch. Lastly, she got her two bottom teeth in! Poor girl, they came in back to back so it was almost 2 weeks of teething pains for her. Honestly, she dealt with it pretty good, she was fine during the day and just needed one dose of Tylenol at the start of the night to help dull the pain enough to fall asleep.


We’re still nursing to sleep, because it’s still working fairly well for us. I didn’t know until recently that babies wake periods get longer every month until they’re 6 months old, which explains why I would finally nail a wake window only to have it change on me again. Now that she has a more consistent “schedule” getting her down for a nap at the right time has been a lot easier. She’s transitioned down to two naps, so her nap lengths have also become more consistent. In the morning, she typically gets a 1.25-.175 hour nap. For her afternoon nap, I usually lay down in bed with her just to make sure that it’s a good length, because she always sleeps better when she cuddles me. Because of that, her afternoon nap is normally around 2 hours, with her waking up between 4pm and 5pm. Sometimes I do put her down in her pack n play, but her afternoon nap never ends up being quite as long and then she has to go to bed really early.

Getting her down to bed at night is a little challenging especially now that she’s got more adult-like sleep cycles. Some nights are really good and she stays asleep the first time I put her down, sometimes I’m going in the room every 30 minutes for 2 hours nursing or rocking her back to sleep. I don’t know why some nights are harder than others, but I just keep reminding myself she’s just a little person who’s trying her best. We still haven’t sleep trained and I’m fine with that, even if it means that during teething spells or when she’s sick she wakes up and needs my help going back to sleep much more frequently. She’s usually initially put down between 7pm and 8pm, and she wakes up around 11pm for a feed, and then on good nights, she’ll sleep until 7am or 8am! On the bad nights she wakes up around 2am and possibly again at 5am, but those are extremely rare bad sleep nights. It’s the only reason I truly am considering sleep training, but we’re taking it month by month to see how she does.


We made it 6 months exclusively breastfeeding, which I am insanely happy about. It has been a hard journey, feeling like my body still isn’t my own and having a baby who definitely uses the boob as a way to soothe herself, but it’s been so rewarding. There have been times where I’ve been so overwhelmed and so unsure about my ability to provide for her that I’ve wanted to stop, but Justin has been so supportive and keeps me grounded.

We also started giving her “real” food! We’re doing baby-led weaning, so we skipped purees entirely and went straight to table food. She was confused by the new textures and tastes at first, but she’s getting the hang of feeding herself. She prefers savory food and carbs, just like her momma! Fruits and yogurt are still something she needs to get used to, but put some pasta, chicken or broccoli on her tray and she wants it!

6 months sitting

Things We Love at 6 Months

Skip Hop activity center Right now we use this as a safe spot to put her when we need to do something where we wouldn’t be able to watch her as closely, like if I need to break down boxes for recycling. Since she’s mobile she doesn’t like to be put in it for fun anymore, but we’re keeping it since it turns into a toddler activity table.

Ingenuity Trio high chair I wasn’t looking to spend a small fortune on a high chair. For less than $100, I’m really happy with it and would highly recommend it! It comes in 3 colors, too!

Fisher Price Rock n Stack This has been a fun new thing for her to play with. She doesn’t understand how to put the rings on yet, but she’s really good at getting them off! For a toy that was less than $5, it keeps her entertained for a long time!

Fisher Price Controller She loves to reach for our electronics, especially Justin’s Xbox remote when he’s playing, so I got her her own remote! She kinda just throws it around and smashes the buttons, but it makes her happy and keeps her from stealing stuff out of our hands so it was a great buy to me!