Kelsi Rose | 1 year update

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We made it, guys! 1 whole year of momming under my belt, a lifetime to go. I can’t believe how fast this first year has flown by. I absolutely adore watching her grow and learn and seeing her personality come out, but I’m also sad that she’s just going to keep growing. I’ve really started to appreciate every day with her more and more, because I know that all too soon she’s going to be too “cool” to hang out with me haha!


The biggest milestone we reached was walking! She picked it up super quick, so she stopped crawling altogether around 10.5 months! It’s so much fun to play with her now that she’s on two feet. We’ve definitely had to step up our babyproofing, but after we got that taken care of she’s been able to roam around and enjoy most of the house without me always following behind. She does really well with independent play these days, but she also has started to initiate games like peek-a-boo and “tag”, which is mostly just me crawling after her around the living room table saying “I’m gonna get you!”. She also started waving and clapping a few weeks before her birthday, and she loves to wave night-night to Justin.


On July 31st, we moved Kelsi into her own room. It was just time for us to make the transition. I’m not gonna lie, it was really hard for me because I loved cuddling her so much, but we were both not getting the quality sleep we needed. I bought a custom sleep plan from Andrea at Babysleep Answers to help me make it through. After the second night, she didn’t need any night feedings and started sleeping through the night 11-12 hours! 2 weeks after we conquered independent night sleep, we worked on naps and she got the hang of it so fast! She’s been on a solid 2-3-4 schedule since she was 6 months old. The week of her first birthday it seemed like she was going to drop down to one nap, but I think it was just the 12 month regression, which typically affects naps more than night sleep. So we just rolled with the punches for a few days and then she went back to the 2-3-4 schedule! But I’m glad to know that when she is actually ready to drop to one nap, it seems like she’ll handle it really well.


Once she stopped nursing at night, she started eating more which I am so thankful for. Now that she’s a year, we’re allowed to offer solids before any milk or nursing sessions. It’s been a change for her, and we’re still working out the best schedule, like should we give her lunch before or after her nap? Should I give her one or two snacks? It’s definitely a learning process. She still likes lunch the most, and dinner is hit or miss depending on what time we serve it and what we’re having. Breakfast is something she didn’t have much interest in until her birthday, its like a switch flipped and her appetite woke up! But she still only nibbles a little. It’s definitely stressful, because I want her to eat, but I know she doesn’t need as much food as I think she does and she will eat when she’s hungry.

Things We’re Loving

Burts Bees Sleep Sack – I love how soft their organic cotton is, and it’s a good thickness for the temperature we keep our house at!

Kids Camelback Water Bottle – I let her carry this around all day and she loves it! It’s 14oz so I love that I’m not constantly filling it up.

Portable High Chair – Super convenient to take to friends houses, or if we want to go have a picnic!

Climbing Blocks – A fun activity that’s different from playing with a toy! Would also be great for a younger baby, but we just happened to get them for her birthday.

Scooter Bee – She’s already figured out if she climbs on, we will zoom her around! She absolutely loves getting pushed all over the house.

Fisher Price Car – This is great for when we need to get outside to make it to the end of her wake window, or for a little walk around the block!